Monday, 3 September 2012

David Rudisha

David Rudisha a worldwide name by now. He is the world record holder for the 800m race. What a name to have. Most athletes would like to know what it takes to go for gold with such determination as he did.  Others would like to be associated with him even more that know what makes him move. Well it is the same thing with us.  Most times we are so caught up and focused in what other people are doing and how they are running their race that we forget to run our own race.

Are you running your race? Everyone has a unique race to run. David Rudisha may not have done as well if he had chosen a different race. The beauty of life is that each of our races complements the other person’s race. By this I mean that everyone exists for a reason and a purpose. It is important that we get to know what race we should run, what dream we should follow, what purpose we should pursue. When we focus on our own then others can focus on theirs. But of even more importance is it to know the creator of the race, the dream giver and the purpose setter. God. Like Rudisha if we run a good race, finish well and win the price, only to realize that we had run the wrong race, we would not be proud of our achievements at all. So why run the wrong race?

Mostly we run the wrong race for lack of knowledge or thinking that the race we are to run is too hard for us and resort to an easier one. The down side of running the wrong race is that we are not equipped enough to run it. We make mistakes that cannot be taken back and most times give up along the way. If only we had stayed on our course. The word of God (Bible) encourages us that there is hope even after we have left what it is we are meant to be doing. In Hosea 6: 1 to 3, the bible says that though we are torn and stricken He, the Lord, will heal and bind us. It may not be literal tearing but when the burdens and the responsibilities of life are too heavy for us; they leave us torn most times. It this kind, that the Lord heals us from. The same scripture says that we will be risen up. Meaning, those areas of our lives that are dead can be revived to be productive yet again.

So we can get back to running our own race in life and we have been assured that we will have help, we will be revived as we persevere and if we stay focused enough the reward that comes thereafter will be greater than we ever imagined. Having these promises in our back pocket does not mean that the ride will be smooth but it is in the rough patches of the road that we realize that we are weak but HAVE A STRONG GOD, that we need to act but based on FAITH. (Faith without actions is dead, but those actions need to be directed by God).

Food for thought.

  1.   Are you doing what God ordained for you to do?
  2.  How are you using your God given talents and gifts?
  3. Does your work give you satisfaction deep within or you are doing it for the money?
  4. Whom do you represent in what you do? Yourself or God?

1 comment:

  1. Left me thinking that there is nothing we do that is by mistake.
